La historia de éxito de Madison

Madison Simon (izquierda) posa con Miss USA
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Jamie's Heart Story

octubre 28, 2024 – Jamie was found to have a congenital heart condition thanks to a free EKG screening held at a City of Miami summer camp in 2024.

Patient of the Month: Kai

febrero 20, 2023 – Jackie and Rob received unfortunate news that their second baby, Kai, had been diagnosed with congenital heart defects. Surprisingly, Kai's mother Jackie had underwent heart surgery when she was as a young teenager as well. Not only did she receive treatment at Nicklaus Children's, then Miami Children's Hospital, but the same surgeon that had treated Jackie, Dr. Redmond Burke, would later be called upon alongside the entire team at The Nicklaus Children’s Heart Institute to ensure Kai's successful open-heart surgery. 

Saving Lives with a Sudden Cardiac Arrest Readiness Program

diciembre 20, 2024 – Though rare, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in the young causes tragic events that impact the entire community. Roughly 7,000 people under the age of 18 will suffer a cardiac arrest annually in the U.S. Because of education and hands-on training to school faculty, countless lives have been saved nationally. In just two years, eight lives have been saved in South Florida schools.

La importancia del cateterismo cardíaco pediátrico

noviembre 08, 2024 – A medida que la comunidad médica da un giro hacia intervenciones menos invasivas, el cateterismo cardíaco se está volviendo más frecuente dentro de los planes de atención para pacientes pediátricos y adultos. En muchos casos, este enfoque menos invasivo es el estándar de atención.